Level 100 of the MGBS program is starting Wed June 12th at 6PM Eastern through the Whole Pet Grooming Academy Global Campus!

Ep190 Warnings and Bites

Episode 190 Warnings and Bites. What is the difference between a dog giving you a warning and a dog trying to hurt you? I don't want you to think a dog can't hurt you. Maybe you think they're too small, old, or young. Any pet can hurt you. I also don't want you to think that maybe a dog missed. “You got lucky that he missed.” They rarely miss. So we're gonna talk about the difference between warnings and a dog that's trying to hurt you and why we, as professionals, should take warnings very seriously.




Dogs Bite: But Balloons and Slippers Are More Dangerous by Janis Bradley https://a.co/d/9WRz2na

For more info go to CreatingGreatGroomingDogs.com